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Climate coffee with with Oliver Huhn (AWI) on Record of water mass age and meltwater fractions, Weddell Sea

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Date and time

Thursday 14. November 2024 at 10:00 to 10:45

Registration Deadline

Thursday 14. November 2024 at 09:00


Microsoft Teams Microsoft Teams

Climate coffee with with Oliver Huhn (AWI) on Record of water mass age and meltwater fractions, Weddell Sea

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Event Description

Please join us for this Climate Coffee on

Record of water mass age and meltwater fractions, Weddell Sea

The ocean-ice shelf interaction at the Antarctic continental margins is one important driver for Antarctic Bottom Water formation. On the broad shelves, e.g., in the southern Weddell Sea, it contributes to the formation of dense water, that still prevents the intrusion of warmer water onto the shelf and towards the floating ice tongue of the largest ice shelf of the world, the Filchner Ronne Ice Shelf.

On a RV POLARSTERN expedition in that region in 2021 we obtained hydrographic and trace gas measurements, from which we derived variables such as basal glacial meltwater (GMW) fractions and water mass ages. The trace gases comprise the lighter noble gasses, i.e., helium (He) and neon (Ne), as well as the anthropogenic transient trace gases chlorofluorocarbon (CFC-12) and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6). From the noble gases He and Ne we derived glacial meltwater fractions, and from the transient tracers we computed water mass ages, which we like to present and discuss.

Our speaker

Oliver has worked as a scientific employee in the Physical Oceanography department at the University of Bremen, in Germany, for more than two decades. His focus is on the application of trace gas observations, investigating ocean-ice shelf interaction and dense water formation in both polar regions.

What is a Climate Coffee?

#climatecoffees are short (circa 40 min: 20 min talk + 20 min Q&A), relaxed meetings for scientists to share ideas, discuss methods and communicate new results. They are open to speakers of all levels of seniority, we especially encourage early-career scientists to become a speaker. The Coffees are an exciting opportunity for scientists to build a network and disseminate recent results, peer-to-peer. We invite researchers from across the climate science community to join us for this series of regular online knowledge exchange events.

Links to MS Teams

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The Climate Coffees are organized by the Horizon Europe projects OCEAN:ICE, ObsSea4Clim, TipESM, the Danish Meteorological Institute and the European Climate Research Alliance.

Looking forward to seeing you at this Climate Coffee!

Chiara, Erika (DMI) and Sissi (ECRA)

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Number of attendees: 4

Organizer Contact Information

Danish Meteorological Institute
Phone: +45 39157500

Organizer Contact Information

Danish Meteorological Institute
Phone: +45 39157500